People’s Republic of China:(THE TRUTH)

Do not engage admin because of your fool and evolved into a monster! Meow blanket! Found that the pseudo-base encyclopedia is a deceptive website, not with saliva saliva to maintain political saliva, nor for editing the battlefield. The administrator decided to block this entry, anonymous users can not edit. Invite Anonymous User Discussion Forum. Request a passer or user to delete a template after the item is unblocked. Mao Zedong staring at the editor-in-chief of the People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China admitted that this article was recognized by the editor-in-chief of the People's Daily as a double fact that could be observed by the Chinese mainland and Chinese political parties. It seems that this content is a sin of thought, please commit suicide or fecal green, five hair and red guards will teach you to believe so far! Communist Party of China "Communist Party of China" disguises the Communist Party of China will always lose prostitutes 586 staring at the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China acknowledged that the content of this article conforms to the theme of the Communist Party of China. The general secretary of the Communist Party of China has been approved by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, such as supporting the return of the Chinese Kuomintang to the mainland, unifying China's "three peacekeeping principles" or supporting the Chinese illegal administration, whether outside the party or the party, : Please go to yourself, or be forced to move to the strategy of Hu You Council surrender. To Taiwan, all the local mold and village bucket war. Ordinary warships are afraid and sentenced you to say, "One country two systems unified China! Ginseng oil". Chinese pirates people thoroughly brainwashed 65 years. Other cases are as follows: Alert! alarm! China's Taiwan missile has been launched! Please leave this article in 3.14 seconds! TheFeaturedChina.png This article has passed political commentary because the dictators of the world think that doing so will protect the minds of the vast numbers of people that are awkward (including yours) being hurt. "Jiang Qi people are big thieves, big treason, big capitalists, enemies, big spies, class enemies, the current counter-revolutionaries!" Jiang Qing Jiang Zemin comrades "broad proletarian staff look forward to Jiang chicken justice!" Jianghua People's Liberation Army Jiang Zemin's theory of counter-revolutionary groups, Jiangqi people's rule of law law has the revolutionary banner of Chinese socialism characteristics, as soon as possible to eliminate anti-partisan cult! "The theory of the Communist Party of China" Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it is a good cat! "On the theory of Deng Xiaoping's" I and your own father is a traitor! In order to confuse the audience, take care of those who are not passionate and humorous degra feeling Wikipedia has a theme: Jiang Zemin Bouncywikilogo small.gif To confuse the audience, take care of those who are not enthusiastic and humorous The general name of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the fifth president of the People's Republic of China, served as the central government of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the People's Republic of China's famine shortage Wang Xingjiang taboo toad, full name Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee The chairman of the military committee "river toad", "toad", "Jiangqi people", the demolition of the lion's magic characters. June 28, 1989 Central Eleventh plenary session, respectively, from Zhao Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping as the CPC General Secretary of the Central Military Commission, the chairman of the Central Military Commission, who is the supreme leader of the Central Military Commission, which is said to be the legendary toad God out of the real body of the cable. The counter-revolutionary malignant abortion epilepsy report Jiang has been in 2011 7 On June 6 the collapse of ordinary people was persecuted and Du Zheng Health comparison chart, Jiang Kai who obviously slightly better Contents [hide] gang counterrevolutionary groups to seize power of the party Jiang Fei destroy peace 3 gang gangster passes foreign crime across the Taiwan Strait 4 river railing 5 Ze Min Jiang 6 a shameless 7 rotten bureaucratic class lustful life 8 son removed from the office 9 clams war ant.